
The latitude value of Liverpool is 53.41 degrees, and the longitude value is -2.99 degrees. The latitude value of Melbourne is -37.81 degrees, and the longitude value is 144.96 degrees. The two cities are degrees apart in latitude. The two cities are degrees apart in longitude. Reset Next

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Answer:degrees apart in latitude: 91.22degrees apart in longitude: 147.95Step-by-step explanation:Liverpool and Melbourne are two cities that are located very far away from each other. Liverpool is located in the northwestern part of England, while Melbourne is located in the southeastern part of Australia, so understandably their latitudes and longitudes are very different. In order to get to the distance in degrees between these two cities in latitude and longitude, we just simply need to sum the degrees of both of them and we will get to the result. The reason why simple summing will do the job is because they are on separate hemispheres, with Liverpool being on the Northern and Western Hemisphere, while Melbourne being on the Southern and Western Hemisphere.Latitude distance: 53.41 + 37.81 = 91.22 Longitude distance: 2.99 + 144.96 = 147.95